Asheiri is Gaelic for 'resurrection', 'welcome back' or 'welcome home'. It is the name for a network of spiritual free spirits who welcome others along the way. Its base is a small guest centre in Galloway, Scotland: an area known for its ancient Celtic and Christian heritage but also its modern creative and eclectic communities. The centre offers regular meditation spaces, opportunities for spiritual exploring, one-to-one mentoring, care and support for people's struggles and challenges.
But Asheiri is not restricted to any one place or time. People may make the journey to Galloway, gather at larger events or meet locally or over the internet.
The movement encourages people to be themselves and explore their spirituality without prejudice or bias towards any form or practice. The centre has a programme of meditation, retreat days and weekends. There is a library of inspirational books. Retreats can involve meditation, discussion, time alone to read or contemplate, healing sessions, music, guided walks to sacred spaces or trips into the heart of the Galloway Forest Park.

At meditation and on retreats The 'Conversations with God' books by Neale Donald Walsch provide a starting point for the journey. They take an entirely new approach to the spiritual quest. Despite the title they are non-religious. They invite readers into a profound experience of Oneness or 'coming home to yourself': "You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Every thought, every feeling, every statement - is creative." Many people have found that the books said what they had always thought but never dared believe or express. The words feel so familiar it is almost as though they are having a conversation with themselves. But the books do not claim to be gospel truth. They merely present a new way of seeing, a catalyst or gateway to the Spirit.